Worlds 2022- COVID-19 Update

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Worlds 2022- COVID-19 Update

A charide,

As we get closer to ORC 2022, we still need to keep in mind that while many restrictions have been removed, numbers of positive cases of Covid are rising.  The following information is from the UK.Gov site:

*** Click here for UK GOV Covid Information***

There are still cases of COVID-19 in England and there is a risk you could catch or pass on the virus, even once you are fully vaccinated. This means it is important that you understand and consider the risks of catching or spreading COVID-19 in all situations.

While no situation is risk free, there are easy and effective actions you can take to protect yourself and others around you.

The UK Government suggests that you continue to wear a mask in crowded and enclosed spaces, especially where you come into contact with people you do not usually meet, when rates of transmission are high. 

The Oireachtas Committee is asking for attendees to please wear a mask while in the ICC.  Please consider your fellow colleagues, dancers, friends, and let’s make this event as safe as possible.

The onus is on each person to be aware of and comply with, any Covid requirements travelling to Belfast and back to your home country.

Go raibht maith agat!

Coiste Oireachtas


CLRG Oireachtas