
Updated Temporary Amendment to Transfer Ruling

To all registered members of An Coimisiún le Rincí Gaelacha

Due to the global outbreak of the Corona Virus, where dance schools are currently closed, teachers are asked to note the following NEWLY UPDATED TEMPORARY amendment in Note No. 3 of  the Transfer Appeal Procedure which reads:

"The first dancing lesson given by the new teacher to the transferring pupil must take place at a venue normally/regularly used for dancing classes by that teacher.......

IS BEING AMENDED to read as follows:

As there are now further restrictions on travel and gatherings the first dancing lesson given by the new teacher to the transferring pupil CAN BE given online.

Please note that a lesson given online WILL constitute an eligible first dancing class if you can provide evidence of same.

This is to come into effect immediately and will continue until such times as CLRG reverts to its original ruling.

Please make sure if you are teaching online that you have insurance cover for same.

Le dea-ghuí
Francis Curley
An Coimisiún le Rincí Gaelacha


Important Notice Re. Worlds Accommodation

As you are aware that due to the current pandemic, CLRG was obliged to reschedule our 50th Anniversary Championships event to next year, which is taking place in the Convention Centre, Dublin between the 28th March and 5th April 2021.

We also confirm that we continue to seek proper resolution regarding the difficulties over accommodation reservations made by attendees.

Overnight we have become aware that an email from Tá an seoladh ríomhphoist seo á chosaint ó róbait thurscair. Tá ort JavaScript a chumasú le hamharc air. has been circulated which suggests that there are only two options:

  1. Rebook for 2021


  1. Obtain a refund subject to an administrative charge amounting to 9.5%.
We wish to emphasise that this email has been circulated without the approval or knowledge of CLRG.

We take the view that if the rebooking option is preferred then the booking is guaranteed and there is no increase in room rates to those originally agreed.

HOWEVER, if a refund is the preferred option then a full refund should be made without the deduction of any administration fee and as soon as possible.

In the meantime, CLRG takes the view that NO individual agreements should be reached with Keynote until CLRG make a further statement on the matter. 

Should individuals choose to accept either of the options above as they stand currently, then they may be restricting their entitlement to the above additional entitlements that are being fought for by CLRG.

CLRG will endeavour to obtain certainty on this matter as soon as possible.


CLRG Oireachtas